When War Commander finished with maintenance on Thursday, October 29th, many players who logged into the game found that some buildings in their bases had disappeared. Our team has been hard at work identifying the reason that buildings were disappearing, and they have successfully implemented a solution that will keep your buildings from disappearing in the future.
However, this fix will not return your buildings. In order to restore your buildings, please go to https://docs.google.com/a/kixeye.com/forms/d/10GrDq0PXYFIMRMoiGjj80CFTQUEh5z9F16oe34FkXgM/viewform and submit your UserID. Once you have done this, we will work to restore your base to how it was on Wednesday evening before the maintenance. This make take a few days to complete. If you do not submit your UserID with this form, then we will not be able to restore your base.
If your base is not missing any buildings, then you do not need to take any action. We will not change your base and you will not lose any buildings.
Please keep in mind that if you submit your UserID with this form, you should not spend any gold on your buildings. When we revert your base to Wednesday evening, any progress you have made on your buildings will be lost.