Daily care to reduce the signs of skin reactivity. Provides hydration and alleviates irritation and provides intense, long-lasting comfort for highly intolerant skin. Formulated with 0% Preservatives, 0% parabens, 0% fragrance, 0% alcohol, colorants and 0% lanolin. Patented packaging technology guarantees a contamination free, ultra pure formula with every application. Neurosensine, a unique calming agent to help reduce signs of reactivity immediately upon application and pure, natural shea butter acts as an anti-inflammatory to hydrate and soothe skin. 0% Preservatives, parabens, fragrance, alcohol, colorants and lanolin. Patented packaging technology guarantees a contamination free, ultra pure formula with every application.
Key Ingredients:
Neurosensine: Helps reduce signs of reactivity immediately upon application.
Ultra Purified and Minimalist Formula: 0% harmful, irritating ingredients.