Long ago, there was a man who lived in a small house far from the city. He grew cucumbers for living life and his cucumbers were very plentiful.
He had scars and pimples on his face and his body, so he was called “Hood Sam Pao”. No one liked him.
One day, a Princess in the palace wanted to eat cucumber but her servant couldn’t find any cucumber in the market.
So the servant went to cucumber garden and brought cucumbers back to the palace cooking for dinner.
Not very long, after eating cucumber, The princess became pregnant. It was wondering that how could she got pregnant because she has no husband. Actually, Hood San Pao was watering his cucumbers with his urine which caused the princess pregnant.
Seeing the princess was pregnant, the King was very angry that Hood Sam Pao was the father of his daughter’s baby. He expelled his daughter from the palace and lived with the ugly Hood Sam Pao.
Therefore, the princess had to go away from the palace unwillingly. She became a cucumber farmer. She was very sad and could not eat anything. She could even sleep. She talked to herself, “Why my life was so poor? How come? What happened to me? ”.
However, she tried to get family with her life living in a very poor situation. She stopped thinking back to the previous life and tried to do her best in present. She thought that someday, everything will be fine.
“Everything depends on our thought. If we think it is good, it will be good”, the princess though. She could live her life happily as a common people. She lived with Hood Sam Pao and helped on his farm. The lived peacefully and had one beloved child.
In the forest near their place, there was a monkey with magic drum. This monkey always took the magic drum with him wherever he went.
The monkey liked to tease Hood San Pao. He hit his drum loudly and made the tree free down. Hood Sam Pao is garden was destroyed, too.
Hood Sam Pao was angry at the monkey. He caught the monkey and tended to killed it. The monkey was afraid, he asked Hood Sam Pao not to kill him.
The monkey gave his drum to Hood Sam Pao, and told him that it was a magic drum.
“It was a magic drum, you can ask whatever you want. So please let me go. I’ll give my drum”, said thank you for his drum.
After letting go of the monkey, Hood Sam Pao was thinking of what he wanted to have.
“What should I ask for”, asked himself. “I’ve got it!” I want to be a handsome man’, said Hood Sam Pao. Suddenly, he hit the drum once.
After hitting the drum, Hood Sam Pao became a very handsome man.
Hood Sam Pao went back home and told everything to his wife. Then he asked gold for his child. Two of them thought of how to make the King accept them back to the palace.
Then they travelled to different places, hit the drum to take over the town. They had a lot of man and properties. They were very famous and everyone wanted to de accompanied with them.
The King heard about Hood Sam Pao and his daughter’s story; he was appreciated that two of them could help each other until becoming wealthy. He ordered his soldiers to invite them back to the palace.
When arriving at the palace, Hood Sam Pao and his wife were accepted willingly by the king. The king gave the throne to Hood Sam Pao. And he became the later King ruling the city since then.