mijn naam is Nicolaas Jacobus Gelok woon in de Marijke straat 54 postcode 4461 vj te Goes Zeeland de Nederlands mijn bank is de ing bank nl279ngb0004440582 mijn tf. is 00310620855425
my name is Nicolaas Jacobus Gabriel live in the zip code 4461 vj to Marijke Street 54 Goes Zealand the Dutch ing bank my bank is the nl279ngb0004440582 my tf. is 00310620855425
My name is Nicholas James Gelok living in the street Marijke 54 postcode 4461 vj to the Dutch Zeeland Goes my bank is the Bank ing nl279ngb0004440582 my tf. is 00310620855425
my name is nicholas james gelok live in the street were 54 postcode 4461 vj goes to the dutch zeeland my bank is the bank nl279ngb0004440582 ing my tf. is 00310620855425