Once the Ten of Swords comes up in a reading, the situation is so bad it cannot possibly get worse. It can only improve from there. This does not mean it will be easy. The Ten of Swords in the Motherpeace deck is known as the “Thelma and Louise” card. The writer recalls that movie. The two women went on a “Girl’s Weekend”, one to escape from an abusive husband. Crimes were committed along the way, but they were in self-defense. One man robs all their money. One of the women is being raped, and her friend shoots the rapist to protect and save her friend. So two women wronged in a Patriarchal society end up driving their car over a cliff to their deaths, wanted for murder, when it was they who were wronged, more than once. These Princesses of Athena are jumping into the sea to drown themselves, rather than be put in arranged marriages to men that have raped them. The card represents the final letting go of some idea, or the absolute abandonment of a way of life. In less dramatic circumstances, it is the end of a bad life cycle, a realization that the person can no longer live the same way, because life can finally be seen for what it really is, not as it was hoped to be. The person you thought had the perfect marriage just ups and leaves, never to come back. A person who seemingly has the perfect life has a breakdown. The time has come to take an extreme stand or action, and it is time to take the plunge into deep emotions. When reversed, the person has come through this awful life period, had a terrible loss or made an awful sacrifice, but is ready to begin a new life with a clean slate. If the card tilts left, it is not time to take a stand. When it tilts right, the time has come to run into the unknown, because there is no other choice.