Abstract. [Purpose] The objective of this study was to examine the effect of ankle strategy exercises on unstable surfaces on balance and walking ability in stroke patients. [Subjects and Methods] Among hospitalized stroke patients, 30 were selected based on the study criteria and were randomly divided into three groups: an ankle strategy group (n=10), balance exercise group (n=10), and control group (n=10). Patients in two groups (ankle strategy, balance exercise group) performed 15-minute exercise sessions three times a week for six weeks. To analyze the effect of the exercise, center of pressure, Berg balance Scale, Timed Up and Go test, and Functional Reach Test were assessed before and after the exercise. [Results] The ankle strategy exercise group showed more improvement in mediolateral center of pressure and Berg Balance Scale and Timed Up and Go test scores than the balance exercise group. [Conclusion] The results of this study suggest that ankle strategy exercises on unstable surfaces is feasible and efficacious for stroke patients.