Sentencia Interlocutoria con Fuerza Definitiva Juzgado 5to de Municipi translation - Sentencia Interlocutoria con Fuerza Definitiva Juzgado 5to de Municipi English how to say

Sentencia Interlocutoria con Fuerza

Sentencia Interlocutoria con Fuerza Definitiva
Juzgado 5to de Municipio



PARTE ACTORA: Sociedad Mercantil CORPORACIÓN BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA, C.A., domiciliada en la ciudad de Caracas e inscrita en el Registro Mercantil Séptimo de la Circunscripción Judicial del Distrito Capital y Estado Bolivariano de Miranda en fecha 28 de enero de 2003, bajo el No. 3, tomo 318-A-VII, siendo su última modificación el 30 de julio de 2.012, bajo el tomo 67-A, Mercantil VII, numero 38.
APODERADOS JUDICIALES DE LA PARTE ACTORA: JUAN E. PRADA PADOVANI, JOSÉ GREGORIO PALOMO y NORIALY ROMERO GONZALEZ, abogados en ejercicio de este domicilio e inscritos ante Instituto de Previsión Social del Abogado bajo los Nros. 32.873, 26.171 y 122.775, respectivamente.

PARTE DEMANDADA: Sociedad Mercantil NOGAMCA, C.A., sociedad mercantil domiciliada en el Estado Carabobo y debidamente registrada por ante el Registro Mercantil Tercero de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Carabobo, en fecha 25 de julio de 2.002, bajo el No. 37, Tomo 227-A, representada por el Presidente ciudadano NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ MONASTERIO, venezolano, mayor de edad, domiciliado en Valencia, Estado Carabobo, titular de la cédula de identidad No. V-3.976.569.

ABOGADA ASISTENTE DE LA PARTE DEMANDADA: BLANCA CAMACHO SALAS, abogada en ejercicio de este domicilio e inscrita ante Instituto de Previsión Social del Abogado bajo el Nro. 33.524.

Se inició el presente juicio por libelo de demanda presentado por la ciudadana NORIALY ROMERO GONZALEZ, abogada en ejercicio, venezolana, mayor de edad, de este domicilio, titular de la cédula de identidad No. V-9-661.372, e inscrita en el Instituto de Previsión Social del Abogado bajo el No. 122.775, actuando en su carácter de apoderada judicial de la Sociedad Mercantil CORPORACIÓN BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA, C.A., antes identificada, parte actora, ante la Unidad de Recepción y Distribución de Documentos del Circuito Judicial de Municipio del Área Metropolitana de Caracas, mediante el cual demanda por RESOLUCIÓN DE CONTRATO, a la Sociedad Mercantil NOGAMCA, C.A., antes identificada, correspondiéndole conocer a este Juzgado de dicha causa, por insaculación que se hiciera de la misma.
Por auto de fecha 04 de agosto de 2.014, se instó a la representación judicial de la parte actora a señalar la demanda en unidades tributarias, por cuanto sólo se limitó a señalar la demanda en Bolívares.
En fecha 08 de agosto de 2.014, compareció la representación judicial de la parte actora, y mediante diligencia subsanó la omisión en el libelo de la demanda, con en relación de la estimación de la demanda en Unidades Tributarias.
Por auto de fecha 11 de agosto de 2.014, este Tribunal pasó a pronunciarse respecto a la admisión de la demanda por auto separado.
Por auto de fecha 11 de agosto de 2.014, se admitió la presente demanda.
En fecha 14 de agosto de 2.014, compareció la parte actora, y mediante diligencia consignó copias fotostaticas a los fines de librar las compulsas respectivas.
En fecha 24 de septiembre de 2.014, este Tribunal libró exhorto, compulsas y oficio No. 402/14, al Juzgado de Municipio Ordinario y Ejecutor de Medidas de los Municipios Valencia, Libertador, Los Guayos, Naguanagua y San Diego de la Circunscripción Judicial del Estado Carabobo, a los fines legales pertinentes.
En fecha 30 de septiembre de 2.014, compareció la representación judicial de la parte demandada, y mediante diligencia consignó escrito de convenio propuesto a la parte actora constante de 04 folios útiles.
En este orden de ideas de la revisión de las actas que conforman el presente expediente, se constata que en fecha 30 de septiembre de 2.014, compareció el ciudadano NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ MONASTERIO, venezolano, mayor de edad, titular de la cédula de identidad No. V-3.976.569, domiciliado en Valencia, Estado Carabobo, y de tránsito en la ciudad de Caracas, en su carácter de Presidente de la sociedad mercantil NOGAMCA, C.A., domiciliada en el Estado Carabobo y debidamente registrada por ante el Registro Mercantil Tercero de la Circunscripción Judicial de Estado Carabobo, en fecha 25 de julio de 2.002, con el No. 37, Tomo 227-A, parte demandada, con motivo del juicio que por RESOLUCIÓN DE CONTRATO, en el expediente signado con el No. AP31-V-2014-001151, nomenclatura de este Tribunal, la sociedad mercantil CORPORACIÓN BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA C.A., domiciliada en la ciudad de Caracas, debidamente inscrita en el Registro Mercantil Séptimo de la Circunscripción Judicial del Distrito Capital y Estado Miranda, en fecha 28 de enero de 2.003, bajo el No. No. 3, Tomo: 318-A-VII, siendo su última modificación el 30 de julio de 2.012, por ante este mismo registro VII, bajo el tomo: 67-A, asistido para este acto por la ciudadana BL
From: -
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Statement interlocutory with final force Tried 5th municipality AP31-V-2014-001151.- BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA IN HIS NAME THE COURT FIFTH OF ORDINARY AND EXECUTING MUNICIPALITY MEASURES OF THE JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE METROPOLITAN AREA OF CARACAS. PLAINTIFFS: Society mercantile Corporation BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA, C.A., domiciled in the city of Caracas and registered in the register mercantile seventh District Judicial of the district Capital and Bolivarian State of Miranda in date 28 January 2003, under no. 3, volume 318-A-VII, being last modified July 30, 2012, under the volume 67 - to , Commercial VII, number 38. LEGAL representatives of the plaintiffs: JUAN E. PRADA PADOVANI, JOSÉ GREGORIO PALOMO and NORIALY ROMERO GONZALEZ, lawyers in the exercise of this domicile and registered with Social Security Institute under the Nos lawyer. 32.873, 26.171 and 122.775, respectively. PART respondent: Merchant society NOGAMCA, C.A., company domiciled in the State of Carabobo and duly registered before registration commercial third of the District Judicial of the Carabobo State, in date of July 25, 2002, under no. 37, volume 227-A, represented by the President citizen NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ monastery, Venezuelan, major, headquartered in Valencia, Carabobo State, Venezuela holder of identity card no. V-3.976.569. LAWYER Assistant of the party respondent: BLANCA CAMACHO SALAS, a lawyer in exercise of this domicile and registered before Social Security Institute of the Attorney under the Nro. 33.524. REASON: RESOLUTION OF CONTRACT. -I- Began the present trial for libel in demand presented by the citizen NORIALY ROMERO GONZALEZ, a lawyer in practice, Venezuelan, major, of this address, holder of identity card no. V-9-661.372, and registered at the Institute of Social Welfare of the lawyer under no. 122.775, acting in its capacity as representative judicial society mercantile Corporation BIO RAD of Venezuelan C.A., previously identified, part plaintiff, before the receiving unit and distribution of documents of the Circuit Court of municipality of the Metropolitan Area of Caracas, by which demands resolution of contract, to the mercantile society NOGAMCA, C.A., previously identified, corresponding meet this Court in this cause, sortition is doing the same. By order of date 04 August 2014, it urged the judicial representation of the plaintiffs to point demand in tax units, because it was limited only to point out the demand at bolivars. In date August 08, 2014, appeared the judicial representation of the plaintiffs, and through diligence corrected the omission in the libel of the demand, with regarding the estimation of the demand in tax units. By order of date August 11, 2014, this Court went to give an opinion regarding the admission of demand by separate auto. By order of date 11 August 2014, admitted the present demand. As of August 14, 2014, appeared the plaintiffs, and through diligence appropriated copies company for the purposes of RID the respective bidding. Date September 24, 2014, this Court delivered warrant, bidding and trade no. 402/14, to the Court of ordinary municipality and executor of measures of the municipalities Valencia, Libertador, Los Guayos, Naguanagua and San Diego of the Carabobo State Judicial District, the relevant legal purposes. Date September 30, 2014, appeared the judicial representation of the respondent, and through diligence appropriated notice of proposed Convention to the part actora constant of 04 useful folios. In this order of ideas of the revision of the minutes that make up this record, it is noted that citizen NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ monastery, Venezuelan, age, holder of the certificate of identity no. V-3.976.569, headquartered in Valencia, Carabobo State, and transit in the city of Caracas, in its capacity as President of the mercantile society NOGAMCA appeared on date September 30, 2014, , C.A., domiciled in the State of Carabobo and duly registered before the register third of the District Court of Carabobo State, Venezuela, on July 25, 2002 date, with the No. 37, volume 227-A, part respondent, at the time of the trial that by resolution of contract, in the file marked with no. AP31-V-2014-001151, nomenclature of this Court, the mercantile society Corporation BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA C.A. domiciled in the city of Caracas, duly registered in the register mercantile seventh of the constituency Judicial Capital District and Miranda State, in date 28 January 2003, under the no no. 3, vol.: 318-A-VII, being last modified 30 of July of 2012, before this same record VII, under the volume: 67-A, assisted for this Act by the citizen BL
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]

Interlocutory judgment Ultimate Force
5th Municipal Court
AP31-V-2014-001151.- BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF VENEZUELA ON BEHALF OF THE FIFTH ORDINARY COURT OF TOWN AND IMPLEMENTING MEASURES Judicial District of Caracas Metropolitan Area. PART PLAINTIFF: Sociedad Mercantil BIO RAD CORPORATION DE VENEZUELA, CA, with offices in Caracas and registered in the Commercial Register of the Seventh Judicial District of the Capital and Bolivarian Miranda State District as of January 28, 2003 under No. 3, volume 318- a-VII, and its last modified July 30, 2012, under the tome 67-a, Commercial VII, number 38. LEGAL GUARDIAN oF tHE PARTY PLAINTIFF: JUAN E. PRADA PADOVANI, Jose Gregorio Palomo and NORIALY ROMERO GONZALEZ, lawyers in the course of this address and registered at the Social Security Institute of Advocate under nos. . 32,873, 26,171 and 122,775 respectively defendant: NOGAMCA Sociedad Mercantil, CA, a corporation domiciled in the Carabobo State and duly registered with the Commercial Register of the Third Judicial District of Carabobo state, as of July 25, 2002, under No. 37, Volume 227-a, represented by senior citizen President NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ mONASTERY, Venezuela, old, residing in Valencia, Carabobo state, holder of identity card No. V-3976569. ASSISTANT ATTORNEY tHE RESPONDENT: WHITE SALAS CAMACHO, practicing lawyer of the registered and registered at the Social Security Institute of Advocate under number 33524.. . Reason: RESOLUTION oF CONTRACT -I- this trial for libel filed was initiated by the ROMERO GONZALEZ NORIALY citizen, a practicing lawyer, Venezuelan, of legal age, this home, holder of identity card No. V-9-661372, and registered with the Social Security Institute of Advocate under No. 122775, acting in his capacity as attorney for the Commercial Company BIO RAD CORPORATION DE VENEZUELA, CA, identified above, plaintiff, to the receiving unit and Document Distribution Judicial Circuit Municipality of Metropolitan Caracas, whereby demand RESOLUTION CONTRACT, the Mercantile Society NOGAMCA, CA, identified above, corresponding to meet this court this cause, by lot to be done with it. by order dated August 04, 2014, judicial representation urged the plaintiff to point demand in tax units, because only simply noted demand in Bolivars. as of August 08, 2014, appeared the legal representative of the plaintiff, and through diligence remedied the failure to libel demand, regarding the estimation of demand in tax units. by order dated August 11, 2014, the Court went on to rule on the admission of self separate lawsuit. by order dated August 11, 2014 the present application was granted. on 14 August 2014, he appeared the plaintiff, and by diligently appropriated photostatic in order to deliver the respective as certified copies. on 24 September 2014, the Court delivered urge, as certified and Letter No. 402/14, the Court of Ordinary Municipality and Measures Executor of Valencia, Libertador, Los Guayos, Naguanagua and San Diego in the judicial district of Carabobo State, the relevant legal purposes municipalities. As of September 30, 2,014, it appeared the legal representation of the defendant, and through diligence appropriated written proposed to constant plaintiff 04 folios useful agreement. in this vein of the review of the records that make this record, it appears that in on 30 September 2014, appeared the citizen NELSON OSCAR GONZALEZ mONASTERY, Venezuelan, of legal age, holder of identity card No. V-3976569, residing in Valencia, Carabobo State, and transit in the city of Caracas in his capacity as Chairman of the corporation NOGAMCA, CA, with offices in Carabobo State and duly registered with the commercial Register of the Third Judicial District of Carabobo state, as of July 25, 2002, in No. 37, Tomo 227-a, defendant, on the occasion of the trial for cancellation, in the file marked with the No. AP31-V-2014-001151, this Court naming the corporation cORPORATION BIO RAD DE VENEZUELA CA, with offices in the city of Caracas, duly registered in the Commercial Register Seventh Judicial District of the Capital District and Miranda State, on 28 January 2003 under No. No. 3, Volume: 318-a-VII, with its last modified July 30, 2012, by the same record to VII under the tome: 67-a, attended this act citizen BL

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Interlocutory Judgment with final Force5th district courtAp31 - V - - - 001151. 2014Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaIn his nameThe Fifth District Court of regular and Executive measures of the Judicial District of the Caracas Metropolitan Area.Plaintiff: Bio Rad Corporation Corporation of Venezuela, C.A., domiciled in the City of Caracas and registered in the commercial Register of the Seventh Judicial District of the Capital District and Miranda State in Venezuela dated 28 January 2003, under no. 3, Volume 318 - VII, as last amended by the July 30, 2012, under Volume 67 - Commercial, VII, Number 38.Legal representatives of the plaintiffs: John E. Prada Padovani, Jose Gregorio Pigeon And norialy Romero Gonzalez, Lawyers in the exercise of this address and registered with Social Security Institute of Lawyer under the NRS. 32.873, 26.171 and 122.775, respectively.Defendant: Company nogamca, C.A. Company domiciled in the State of Carabobo and duly registered in the commercial Register of the Third Judicial District of the State of Carabobo, on 25 July 2002, under the no. 37, vol. 227 - represented by President Oscar Nelson Gonzalez Monastery, Venezuelan of age, residing in Valencia, Carabobo State, Holder of the identity card. V-3.976.569.The defendant Lawyer Assistant: Blanca Camacho salas, Lawyer registered to this address and Social Security Institute of the Lawyer in the Nro. 28.367.Reason: resolution of the contract.- i -This trial was initiated libel lawsuit filed by the Citizen norialy Romero Gonzalez, Lawyer, Venezuelan, of age, of this home, holder of the identity card. V-9-661.372, and registered in the Social Security Institute of Lawyer under the no. 122.775, acting as Legal Counsel the bio Rad Corporation Corporation of Venezuela, C.A., previously identified, Plaintiffs, to the distribution of documents of the Circuit Court of the Municipality of Caracas, which means the demand for resolution of the contract, The Company nogamca, C.A., formerly known (know this court the ca Used for insaculación that do the same.By an Order dated 4 August 2014, urged the judicial representation of plaintiffs to bring Suit in Tax units, as just simply noted the demand in bolivars.On 8 August 2014, appeared the legal representation of the plaintiff, by diligence and corrected the omission in the libel claim, in respect of the estimate of demand in Tax units.By Order dated 11 August 2014, this court was to decide on the admission of the demand for a separate car.By Order dated 11 August 2014, admitted This claim.On 14 August 2014, appeared the plaintiff through diligence and photocopies, appropriated for the purposes of the respective free Certified.On 24 September 2014, this court has urged, and certified Letter no. 402 / 14, the ordinary Court of Municipality and executing measures municipalities Valencia Guayos, Naguanagua, deliverer, and San Diego of the Judicial District of the State of Carabobo, relevant legal purposes.On 30 September 2014, appeared the legal representation of the defendant, and writing Convention proposed by diligence appropriated the plaintiff Constant 04 useful pages.In this order of ideas, the review of the record in this case, it appears that on 30 September 2014, Nelson appeared Oscar Gonzalez Monastery, Venezuelan, older, holder of the identity card. V-3.976.569, residing in Valencia, Carabobo State, and Transit in the Caracas, Venezuela, in his Capacity as Chairman of the Company nogamca, C.A., domiciled in the State of Carabobo and duly registered in the Mercantile Registry of the Third Judicial District of the State of Carabobo, on 25 July 2002, no. 37, vol. 227 - defendant by reason of trial by resolution of contract, with no marked in the file. P31 - V - 2014 - 001151, Nomenclature of this Tribunal, The Corporation of Venezuela C.A. Bio Rad Corporation, based in the City of Caracas, duly registered in the commercial Register of the Seventh Judicial District of the Capital District and Miranda State, on 28 January 2003, under the no. 3. Volume: 318 - VII, as last amended on July 30, 2012, before the Registration Under Volume VII: 67 - assisted to this event by the Citizen BL
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