Case study 3: Kenya
In Kenya, the four Marine National parks are adjacent to or surrounded by Marine National
Reserves. Tourism activities (glass-bottom boats, snorkeling, diving) are permitted in the Parks,
but all extractive activities are prohibited. The Reserves are open to fishing by traditional fishers
using approved methods. The Parks function as no-take zones for replenishment of fishing
grounds in the adjacent Reserves and beyond. By way of additional compensation for their loss of
access to fishing grounds now in the Parks, local fishers have exclusive rights to fish in the
Reserves - recreational, tourist, and non-resident fishing is prohibited in the Reserves and
enforced by the management authority.
Handout 8.6 - Bunaken, North Sulawesi
Handout 8.7 - Establishing a tourism zoning system
Discussion: Zoning in your MPA
In small groups for each MPA, review the information on zoning from previous modules, the
current zoning system used in your area (if any), the maps of attractions & infrastructure that you
created in the assessment module, and the potential zones you created in the preceding