Nama lengkapnya Eko Pratomo Suyatno, tapi lebih sering disebut Suyatno saja.Usianya mungkin sudah menginjak 60 tahun.Dia merupakan pemilik sebuah perusahaan besar di bidang investasi reksadana yang cukup bagus reputasinya di negeri ini.Sebagai seorang pengusaha sukses, dia dan keluarganya mempunyai kehidupan yang cukup baik. Perkawinannya dengan isteri tercinta lebih dari 30 tahun yang lalu juga sangat bahagia, dan telah mendapatkan 4 orang anak yang kini telah tumbuh dewasa semua.

Kehidupan rumah tangganya mendapatkan cobaan berat sesaat setelah isterinya melahirkan anak ke empatnya. Setelah melahirkan, tiba-tiba ke dua kakinya lumpuh tidak bisa digerakkan. Kondisi itu berlangsung hingga 2 tahun. Kondisinya kemudian bukannya membaik, pada tahun berikutnya justeru kelumpuhan itu terjadi pada seluruh tubuhnya. Lidahnya tidak bisa digerakkan, otomatis juga tidak bisa berbicara. Satu-satunya cara berkomunikasi dengan orang lain hanya dengan menggunakan bahasa isyarat mata.

Menghadapi kondisi isterinya yang seperti itu, Pak Suyatno tetap tabah dan dengan sabar merawat dan mengurusi segala keperluan isterinya. Dia ingin menunjukkan cinta yang sesungguhnya kepada isterinya yang sekarang lumpuh itu dengan cara mengurus langsung semua kebutuhan isterinya, walaupun sebenarnya dia bisa membayar seseorang untuk melakukan semua itu. Namun kebesaran cinta pada isterinya membuat dia tetap kuat dan setia melayani isterinya. Sedangkan pembantu-pembantu yang ada ditugaskan untuk mengurus kebutuhan rumah tangga. Pak Suyatno juga otomatis berperan sebagai ibu bagi ke empat anaknya.

Sebelum berangkat ke tempat usahanya setiap hari, Pak Suyatno selalu menyempatkan diri memandikan, membersihkan kotoran, menggantikan pakaian dan menyuapi isteri tercintanya. Agar sang isteri tidak kesepian saat ditinggal, dia dekatkan sang isteri pada sebuah televise di ruangannya. Walau istrinya tidak dapat bicara tapi dia selalu melihat istrinya tersenyum. Untunglah tempat usaha pak Suyatno tidak begitu jauh dari rumahnya sehingga siang hari dia pulang untuk menyuapi istrinya makan siang. Sorenya dia pulang memandikan istrinya, mengganti pakaian dan selepas maghrib dia temani istrinya nonton televisi sambil menceritakan apa-apa saja yang dia alami seharian.

Meski istrinya hanya bisa memandang tanpa bisa menanggapi, Pak Suyatno dengan setia mengajak istrinya duduk di belakang dia saat Pak Suyatno shalat, seperti sedang berjamaah. Ia-pun sering mengajak istrinya mengaji atau mendengarkan Pak Suyatno mengaji dan juga mengajak sang istri berzikir, meski hanya dalam hati. Semuanya itu dijalani Pak Suyatno dengan ikhlas dan ia sudah cukup senang bahkan dia selalu menggoda istrinya setiap hari, agar istrinya tersenyum.

Rutinitas ini sudah dilakukan pak Suyatno selama 25 tahun, dengan sabar dia merawat istrinya bahkan sambil membesarkan ke empat buah hati mereka.
Pada suatu hari ke empat anak suyatno berkumpul dirumah orang tua mereka sambil menjenguk ibunya. Karena setelah mereka menikah sudah tinggal dengan keluarga masing-masing dan pak Suyatno memutuskan untuk merawat sendiri ibu mereka. Yang dia inginkan hanya satu semua anaknya berhasil.

Dengan kalimat yang cukup hati-hati anak yang sulung berkata ” Pak kami ingin sekali merawat ibu, semenjak kami kecil melihat bapak merawat ibu tidak ada sedikitpun keluhan keluar dari bibir bapak………bahkan bapak tidak ijinkan kami menjaga ibu”.

Dengan air mata berlinang anak itu melanjutkan kata-katanya, “Sudah yang keempat kalinya kami mengijinkan bapak menikah lagi, kami rasa ibu pun akan mengijinkannya.Kapan Bapak menikmati masa tua Bapak dengan berkorban seperti ini? Terus terangi kami sudah tidak tega melihat bapak, kami janji kami akan merawat ibu sebaik-baiknya secara bergantian kalau bapak menikah lagi”.
Pak Suyatno menjawab hal yang sama sekali tidak diduga oleh anak-anak mereka, “Anak-anakku ………, terima kasih atas saran kalian. Hanya saja bapak punya prinsip yang tidak dapat ditawar lagi. Bagi bapak, jikalau perkawinan dan kehidupan di dunia ini hanya untuk memenuhi nafsu kita, terutama nafsu birahi mungkin bapak akan menikah lagi sudah sedari dulu……Tapi ketahuilah dengan adanya ibu kalian disamping bapak, bagi bapak itu sudah lebih dari cukup. Dia telah melahirkan kalian.. “ Sejenak kerongkongannya tersekat,” Anakku, kalian yang selalu bapak dan ibu rindukan hadir didunia ini dengan penuh cinta yang tidak satupun dapat menggantinyai dengan apapun. Coba kalian tanya ibumu apakah dia menginginkan keadaanya seperti ini?. Kalian menginginkan bapak bahagia, apakah batin bapak bisa bahagia meninggalkan ibumu dengan keadaanya sekarang?Kalian menginginkan bapak yang masih diberi Allah swt kesehatan dirawat oleh orang lain? Bagaimana dengan ibumu yang masih sakit? Jujur saja nak, bapak tidak sampai hati, meninggalkan ibumu” kali ini ada tetesan air mata di sudut mata Pak Suyatno. Seketika meledaklah tangis anak-anak
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
MY HUSBAND'S MINE ANGEL; THE STORY OF THE FAITHFULNESS OF A HUSBAND TO HIS WIFEHis full name is Eko Pratomo Suyatno, but is more often called Suyatno only. His age may have stepped on 60 years. He is the owner of a large company in the field of mutual fund investments are a pretty good reputation in the country. As a successful entrepreneur, he and his family have had a pretty good life. His marriage with his beloved wife more than 30 years ago is also very happy, and have been getting 4 children who have now grown up all.Life bylaws get ordeal shortly after his wife gave birth to a child to empatnya. After giving birth, suddenly to two of his legs paralyzed could not be moved. The condition that lasts up to 2 years. His condition improves, then instead of the next year thus paralysis that occurs in his whole body. His tongue could not be driven, automatically also could not speak. The only way to communicate with others using only sign language.Facing conditions his wife like that, Mr. Suyatno remained Stoic and patiently caring for and handle all the needs of his wife. He wanted to show a real love for his wife who is now paralyzed it with how to take care of the immediate needs of his wife, although he can pay someone to do it all. But the greatness of love on his wife makes him stay strong serving and loyal wife. While the existing helpers-helpers were assigned to take care of the needs of the household. Mr. Suyatno also automatically acts as a mother to four children.Before setting out to where her efforts every day, Mr. Suyatno always took myself bathe, clean dirt, replace clothing and feeding his wife. The wife is not lonely when he left, hover the wife on a tv in his room. Although his wife can't talk but he always viewed his wife smiling. Luckily Mr. Suyatno place of business is not so far from his home so that during the day he came home to feed his wife lunch. Evening he returned his wife to bathe, change clothes and after maghrib he accompanied his wife watching television while telling her anything that she is naturally a day.Although his wife could only be looked at without being able to respond, Mr. Suyatno faithfully invites his wife sitting behind him when a pack of Salaat Suyatno, as are the Congregation. He often invites his wife were reading or listening to Mr. Suyatno Koran and also invite his wife berzikir, although only in the liver. It was Mr. Suyatno traveled with sincere and he's been pretty happy even he always teases his wife every day, so his wife smiling.This routine was done Mr. Suyatno for 25 years, with a patient he treated his wife even while raise to four hearts. One day to four children gathered at suyatno their parents while his mother looked out. Because after they get married already staying with families each and Mr. Suyatno decided to take care of their own mother. She wants only one all his children succeed.Enough with the words caution children the firstborn said "Sir we'd love to take care of mom, since small we see father taking care of mom there is not the slightest complaint out of the lips of the father ... ... ... even the father does not let us keep mum".With tears the boy's teary continued his words, "it is the fourth time we allow the father remarried, we think any mother would allow it. When the father to enjoy old age Father with a sacrifice like this? Continue to fill our already not bear seeing the father, we promise we will take care of the mother as well as possible interchangeably if father remarried ".Mr. Suyatno answered the same thing it once was not suspected by their kids, "my children ... ... ... ... ... .., thanks for the suggestions you guys. It's just that the father had a principle that cannot be bargained again. For the father, if the marriage and life in this world just to satisfy our Lust Lust Lust, especially perhaps the father will remarry already there first ... ... But know the existence of the mother you guys besides the father, for the father is already more than enough. She gave birth to you guys ... "For a moment his throat revealed," my son, you guys are always long for mother and father present in the world is full of love that no one can menggantinyai with anything. Try you guys ask your mother if she wanted a style like this?. You guys want a father happy, whether inner father can be happy to leave your mother with style now? You guys want a father who is still given a God Almighty health treated by others? What about your mum who is still sick? To be honest, Mr. nak is not up to the heart, leaving your mother "this time there is a trickle of tears in the corner of the eyes of Mr. Suyatno. Once the meledaklah cry of the children
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]


full name Eko Pratomo Suyanto, but more often called Suyatno saja.Usianya may already stepping 60 years.He is the owner of a large company in the field of investment funds, which are pretty good reputation in the country ini.Sebagai a successful businessman, he and his family have a pretty good life. His marriage to his beloved wife of more than 30 years ago is also very happy, and have earned 4 children who are now grown all.

The life of the household get ordeal shortly after his wife gave birth to her fourth child. After giving birth, suddenly paralyzed his legs could not move. The condition lasts up to 2 years. His condition was not improving, thus crippling the following year it happened to her entire body. Her tongue could not move, could not automatically also spoke. The only way to communicate with another person just by using the sign language.

Faced with such a condition that his wife, Mr. Suyanto remain steadfast and patient care and taking care of all the needs of his wife. He wanted to show real love to his wife, who is now paralyzed by the direct care of all the needs of his wife, even though she could pay someone to do all that. But the greatness of love to his wife to make him stay strong and faithfully serve his wife. The assistants are assigned to take care of household needs. Mr Suyanto also automatically plays the mother of four children.

Before I go to his place of business every day, Mr. Suyanto always took time to bathe, clean dirt, replace clothing and feeding his beloved wife. So that his wife would not be lonely when you left, he hold his wife on a television in his room. Although she could not speak but he always saw her smiling. Fortunately, Mr. Suyanto place of business is not so far from home until the day he came home to feed her lunch. In the afternoon she went to bathe her, change her clothes and after sunset he accompanied his wife to watch television while telling the other what he experienced daily.

Although she can only watch without being able to respond, Mr. Suyanto faithfully took his wife seated behind him when Mr. Suyanto prayer like being in congregation. It was also often invited his wife studying or listening to Mr. Suyanto study and also invited his wife in remembrance, though only in the liver. Everything was undertaken Mr Suyanto willingly and it is quite easy even he was always teasing his wife every day, so she smiled.

This routine was performed to pack Suyatno for 25 years, with a patient he treats his wife even as he raised to four hearts.
On a Suyanto days to four children together at home while their parents visit her mother. Because after they married already live with their families and pack Suyatno decided to treat their own mothers. He wants only one all children succeed.

With sentences quite carefully older daughter said, "Sir, we would like to take care of the mother, since we were kids see you treat the mother does not have the slightest complaint from the lips of even the father of the father ......... not allow we take care of the mother ".

with tears in his eyes the boy went on to say," it's the fourth time we allow the father remarried, we think any mother would mengijinkannya.Kapan Mr enjoy time with parents father to sacrifice like this? We have continued to lighten not bear to see my father, we promise we will treat mothers preferably alternately if the father remarried. "
Mr. Suyanto said something totally unexpected by their children," My children ......... thank thanks for your advice. Only father has principles that are not negotiable. For the father, if marriage and life in this world just to satisfy our lust, especially lust may be remarried father had all the time ...... But you know with their mother while the father, the father was more than enough. She gave birth to you .. "For a moment his throat constricted," My son, your father and mother who always longed to appear in this world full of love that no one can menggantinyai with anything. Will you ask your mother if she wanted a condition like this ?. You want a happy father, whether spiritual father left your mother can be happy with him now? You want a father who was given Allah's health is treated by others? What about your mother's still sick? Honestly son, the father did not have the heart, leaving your mother "this time there are tears in the corners of the eyes Mr. Suyanto. Immediately burst into tears children
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