information technology as a whole can be defined as something that helps humans be lazy. For example, the definition of a machine is “any object that reduces the amount of human effort needed to complete a task.” Paraphrased, that reads as “anything that helps humans work less to get something done.” The definition of laziness is: “averse or disinclined to work.” The usage of machines and the increase of laziness implicitly go hand in hand; the more machines we use, the lazier we become. In addition, technology is “the branch of knowledge that deals with the application of sciences to make better machines.” There fore, technology is, by definition, increasing the amount of work machines do, and, by proxy, increasing the amount of laziness present among humans. As high-industries are on the rise, technology is improved on and innovated upon more and more; the open market only spurs on this trend. As a result, the more technology improves, the lazier humans as a whole