Mereu spun despre mine că sunt un om puternic... dar sunt anumite lucruri care mă înduioşează și care îmi ating inima până la durere. Unul dintre ele sunt lacrimile bătrânilor şi neputinţa lor.
Dimineaţă, în drum spre serviciu, m-am oprit la o farmacie… La rând era un bătrân care “a scos-o din sărite” pe vânzătoare sau farmacistă, nu ştiu ce rol avea doamna… Aceasta s-a răstit la bietul om, l-a repezit şi acesta a plecat. Când am ieşit din farmacie, el stătea lângă uşă și se chinuia să aşeze ceva în plasa pe care o avea. L-am privit scurt şi am văzut că plângea… L-am întrebat dacă îl pot ajuta cu ceva, iar când a ridicat privirea spre mine, am văzut cei mai senini ochi pe care i-am văzut vreodată… Un albastru pur şi o lumină frumoasă în ochii aproape înroşiţi de plâns. M-a impresionat mult…
A dat din cap în semn că nu îl pot ajuta şi a lăsat privirea în jos. Am insistat şi l-am întrebat încă o dată dacă îl pot ajuta… Nu contează ce s-a întâmplat mai departe, ceea ce vreau să vă spun, este că, uneori uităm că bătrânii sunt foarte fragili… Aşa neputincioşi cum sunt, înceţi şi morocănoşi, au sufletul fragil şi sunt uşor de rănit cu o vorbă urâtă, cu tonul ridicat…
Aş vrea să cred că noi, toţi, suntem buni şi răbdători cu bieţii bătrâni, că nu ne răstim la ei, că nu ne împiedicăm de ei, că nu îi facem să plângă, să se simtă poveri, să se simtă nedoriţi, nerespectati, neiubiţi…
În fiecare bătrân avem un bunic, o bunică, o istorie, o realizare de care, azi, noi ne bucurăm… Ei nu s-au bucurat de confortul nostru, ei au sacrificat mai mult decât noi, au îndurat mai multe nedreptăţi şi neajunsuri... Ei duc destule lupte cu viaţa, cu boli, cu singurătatea, cu neajunsuri... Trăiesc deja cu atât de puțin… și au pierdut deja atât de mult…
Ei nu se gândesc, la fel ca noi, la viitor, ei învaţă zi de zi să piardă câte puţin din putere, din viaţă... Ei se sprijină de bastoane din lemn, noi alergăm… Să le oferim ca sprijin inimile noastre! Să nu le amplificăm şi noi durerile şi tristeţea prin purtarea noastră egoistă... Să le înţelegem neputinţa şi, dacă acum suntem mai puternici, să îi ajutăm. Le datorăm asta, chiar dacă sunt pentru noi niște străini...
Cândva, vom fi ca ei...
Results (
English) 1:
Always tell me that I am a strong man ... but there are certain things that move upon me and touch my heart to pain. one of them is their inability old tears.
Morning, going to work, I stopped at a pharmacy ... in a row was an old man "has taken a piss" the saleswoman or pharmacistI do not know what role have ... this lady yelled at the poor man, and he rushed off. When I left the pharmacy, he stood by the door and struggled to put something in place that was. I looked briefly and saw that crying ... I asked if I could help him with something, and when he looked up at me,I saw the most serene eyes I've ever seen ... just a light blue beautiful eyes almost red with crying. impressed me much ...
nodded as a sign that I can not help looking down and left. I insisted and asked him again if I can help ... no matter what happened next, what I want to say is that,sometimes forget that elders are very fragile ... so powerless as they are, slow and grumpy, have soul fragile and are easily injured with a bad word, with high tone ...
I like to think that we all are good and patient with poor old, that we yelled at them, we do not prevent them, not make them cry, to feel the burden,to feel unwelcome, respected, unloved ...
Every old have a grandfather, a grandmother, a history, an achievement that, today, we are happy ... they have not enjoyed our comfort, they have sacrificed more than we have endured many injustices and shortcomings ... they carry enough life battle with illness, loneliness, the shortcomings ...already living with so little ... and have already lost so much ...
they do not think, like us, the future, they learn every day to lose a bit of power, life ... they support the wooden sticks, we run ... to offer that support our hearts! not to amplify and new pain and sorrow by our selfish behavior ...inability to understand them, and if we are stronger now, to help them. we owe it, even if they are strangers to us ...
Sometime, we will be like them ...
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
Always say about me that I'm a strong man ... but there are certain things that I înduioşează and I touch the heart up to the pain. One of them are helpless elders and their tears.
Morning, on his way to work, I stopped at a drugstore ... The place was an old man who "pulled her loops" on saleswoman or a pharmacist, I don't know what role have Ms. .. It was răstit to the poor man, he rushed and it went away. When I came out of the drugstore, he stood near the door and struggling to place something in the place that you have. I watched him briefly and saw that complained ... I asked him if I can help with something, and when he stood up looking towards me, I saw the most serene eyes i've ever seen ... Just a blue light in the eyes of almost înroşiţi. I was impressed by much ...
nodded in recognition that I can not help and left looking down. I insisted and I asked him once if you can help ... No matter what happened, what I want to tell you, is that Sometimes we forget that the elders are very fragile ... So powerless as slow and grumpy, fragile soul and are easily injured with an ugly word with high tone
... I'd like to think that all of us, we are good and patient with the poor old people, that we do not răstim to them that we do not see them, that he did not make to cry, to feel the burden, to feel unwelcome, nerespectati, unlovable ...
each elder we have a grandfather, a grandmother, a history, an achievement that, today, we rejoice ... They have enjoyed the convenience, they have sacrificed more than us, have endured several injustices and shortcomings ... They go enough wrestling with life, with illness, loneliness, with shortcomings ... Already live with so little ... and have already lost so much ...
they don't think like us, in the future, they learn every day to lose a little of the power of life ... They shall make use of wooden sticks, we run ... To provide that support our hearts! To amplificăm them and we grief and sadness by wearing our selfish ... To understand the impotence and, if we are now stronger, to help them. We owe them that, even if they are for us some aliens ...
sometime, we shall be like them ...
Being translated, please wait..