In this section, regarding the type of land-use, its importance
and different geological properties of region and earthquake,
the designed model is explained. This model is should answer
the following question:
Regarding the risk of earthquake, are the land-uses appropriate
to the related parcel?
Therefore, using the output of this model, we will be able to
identify which land-uses are exposed to danger, and after that
we can decide to establish a stable situation or change the landuses.
Another usage of this model is giving the authorization to
choose different land-uses. The case study area is divided to
four sites based on geological and earthquake properties (See
Table 1).
Using JICA approach (JICA, 2000), probability map of
subsidence, liquefaction, landslide and distance of active fault
were provided consideration of above criteria. It is necessary to
be mentioned that determination of geological and earthquake
properties, spatial modelling and layer composition have been
done in GIS environment.
According to suitability matrix (Bahraini, 1996) that it has been
shown in Table 2, amount of land suitability for each land-use
was checked based on its location.