eenagers are getting plastic surgery to improve their chances in an increasingly competitive society. Problems with self-esteem or self-image are common reasons teens choose to undergo procedures such as nose jobs, ear surgery, breast surgery, and microdermabrasion. However, it's important to make sure he or she understands the seriousness of surgery and that it is “not a quick-fix to social problems.”
The news source stresses that, “It is important to talk to a teen with a degree of seriousness about their concerns. Since many issues are self-esteem related, not taking them seriously can make them feel worse than they already feel about themselves.”
According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), most plastic surgeons recommend patients wait until they are fully developed before undergoing plastic surgery procedures. While patients may be physically ready for this surgery in their teenage years, experts say it's important that they are mentally prepared as well.
Parents should make sure that their teen has realistic expectations and understands the risks of surgery and the recovery protocols. As is important for any other cosmetic surgery procedure, patients should check that their doctor is licensed and board-certified in order to ensure a safe and favorable outcome.