Unos alumnos de un colegio privado de Madrid crearon un grupo de Whats translation - Unos alumnos de un colegio privado de Madrid crearon un grupo de Whats English how to say

Unos alumnos de un colegio privado

Unos alumnos de un colegio privado de Madrid crearon un grupo de WhatsApp que se llamaba «Pelea de Gallos». Se trataba de una especie de concurso consistente en meterse con el contrario. Resultaba vencedor quien más humillara al otro. Los angelitos promotores de la idea tenían apenas 10 años. Los expertos en ciberbullying coinciden en que el acoso en las redes sociales ya no lo protagonizan sólo los adolescentes, sino niños de la tierna Primaria. Ya no es infrecuente que críos que deberían estar jugando al pilla pilla en el parque se dediquen a grabar a las compañeras desnudas y a difundir las imágenes por las redes sociales, ese nuevo patio virtual en el que pasa de todo. Según el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE), la edad media en la que los críos comienzan a navegar por internet es «por debajo de los 10 años». Una encuesta realizada por el Ministerio del Interior añade que el 19% de los menores de 11 años tiene creado un perfil en una red social, cuando la edad mínima permitida de acceso son los 14 años. ¿Qué demonios hacen estos críos, a su edad, colgados de YouTube o Instagram? «La única red social que pide el DNI a sus usuarios es Tuenti. Tuvimos una reunión con los responsables de Facebook para que también pidieran el DNI y nos dijeron que eso les suponía una complicación», explicaba ayer la directora de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos, Mar España, durante unas jornadas organizadas por el Ministerio de Educación en las que se asentaron las bases del anunciado Plan Nacional de Convivencia Escolar, que será presentado en los próximos días y estará lleno de medidas contra la violencia en las aulas y en el ciberespacio. La negativa de Facebook a establecer más controles pone de manifiesto hasta qué punto los menores son vulnerables. Se adentran sin protección en un mundo de reglas nuevas y, con frecuencia, desconocidas tanto para ellos como para sus padres y profesores.«Muchas veces los niños lo hacen sin ser conscientes de que están cometiendo un delito», expone la inspectora jefa Esther Arén, delegada provincial de Participación Ciudadana de la Policía Nacional. Su equipo visita colegios de la Comunidad de Madrid hablando sobre el ciberbullying, el sexting, el grooming... Hace unos meses, bajaron a los 10 años la edad de los destinatarios de las charlas.«Les contamos lo que es un insulto o una humillación y algunos nos dicen: 'Es que esto lo hago yo'. Se denuncia poco. Mientras que los centros públicos activan el protocolo administrativo contra el acoso, a la mayoría de los colegios privados y concertados les cuesta denunciar. Nosotros nos enteramos por los padres o por los niños», indica Arén, que recuerda el caso de unos niños de 11 años que se fueron de excursión con la clase. Uno grabó desnudo a otro y se burló del tamaño de sus genitales. El tutor de los alumnos llamó directamente a la Policía. Lo que le aconsejaron los agentes es que cogiera el móvil -el cuerpo del delito- y se fuera directamente a comisaría. De las jornadas de ayer -en las que el ministro de Educación, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, declaró una política de «tolerancia cero con el acoso»- salieron varias cosas en claro. La primera es que la intención del Gobierno es que la Policía Nacional y la Guardia Civil vayan a los colegios para hablar sobre el acoso escolar, en línea con lo que ya hacen los funcionarios policiales, pero de forma más habitual y sistematizada, tal y como indicaron fuentes del Ministerio de Educación. Esta medida, añadieron las mismas fuentes, estaría recogida en el Plan Nacional de Convivencia Escolar, junto a la creación de un teléfono al que los niños y adolescentes podrán llamar para denunciar casos de acoso escolar. Por otro lado, el Ministerio firmó un convenio con la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos para educar a los alumnos en un uso responsable de las redes sociales. Comenzarán por repartir, a partir del próximo día 20, ocho unidades de fichas didácticas destinadas a padres, profesores y alumnos de entre 10 y 14 años.
'Cibermediadores' contra el 'bullying'

Cuando los adultos advierten de los peligros de internet, a los adolescentes les suena a cháchara. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando son los propios críos los que piden a sus compañeros que vayan con cuidado? Que les hacen caso. Con esta premisa, el Instituto Parque Goya de Zaragoza y el Instituto Badia, de Badia del Vallés (Barcelona), han creado dos proyectos pioneros contra el ciberacoso. El primero tiene un equipo de ciberayudantes que rastrean los chats y los foros donde quedan sus compañeros y vigilan que no se produzca bullying. El segundo ha implantado la figura de cibermediadores, alumnos de 3º de la ESO (15 años) que son instruidos directamente por los Mossos d' Esquadra y que transmiten lo que saben a los de 1º de la ESO, que tienen 12 años. «Cualquier iniciativa que no tenga en cuenta a los alumnos fracasará», sostiene Antonio Martínez, director del Parque Goya.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
About a private Madrid school students created a group of WhatsApp called «Roosters fight». It was a kind of competition consisting of messing with the other hand. It was Victor who more humble to the other. The angels promoters of the idea had just 10 years. Cyberbullying experts agree that harassment in social networks already not only teens, but tender elementary children star in it. It is no longer uncommon to kids who should be playing the pilla pilla in the Park is devoted to recording the nude mates and spread the images by social networks, this new virtual playground where he spends all. According to the National Institute of statistics (INE), the average age at which the kids begin to surf the internet is «below the 10 years». A survey conducted by the Ministry of the Interior adds that 19% of children aged 11 has created a profile on a social network, when the minimum age allowed for access are 14 years old. Do what the hell these kids, at his age, hanging from YouTube or Instagram? "The only social network that requests its users the DNI is Tuenti. We had a meeting with the leaders of Facebook so they also asked the DNI and we were told that a complication that supposed to them,"explained yesterday the Director of the Spanish Agency of data protection, sea Spain, during a conference organized by the Ministry of education in which settled is the basis of the announced National Plan of school coexistence, which will be presented in the coming days and will be full of action against violence in the classroom and in the cyberspace. The refusal of Facebook to establish more controls reveals to what extent children are vulnerable. Go unprotected into a world of new rules and often unknown both for them and for their parents and teachers. «» Many times the children do so without being aware of that are committing a crime», exhibits Chief Inspector Esther Arén, provincial delegate of citizen participation of the national police. His team visits schools in the Comunidad de Madrid talking about the sexting, the cyberbullying, grooming... A few months ago, fell to the 10 years the age of the recipients of the talks. "" We tell them it is an insult and a humiliation, and some say to us: 'Is that this I do'. Be little complaint. While public schools activate the administrative Protocol against harassment, costs and private schools most denounce. We we learned by parents or children», indicates Arén, which recalls the case of some children of 11 years who were hiking with the class. One taped naked to another and mocked the size of their genitals. The guardian of the students directly called the police. They advised her agents is that takes the mobile - the body of the crime - and went directly to police. Sessions yesterday - in which the Minister of education, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, declared a policy of 'zero tolerance to bullying' - came out several things clear. The first is that the intention of the Government is that the national police and Civil Guard go to schools to talk about bullying, in line with what law enforcement officials already do, but more regular and systematized, as according to sources of the Ministry of education. This measure, the same sources added, would be collected in the National Plan of school coexistence, together with the creation of a telephone that children and teenagers can call to denounce cases of bullying at school. On the other hand, the Ministry signed an agreement with the Spanish Agency of data protection to educate students in a responsible use of social networks. They will begin by partitioning, starting from the next day 20, eight units of didactic pieces intended for parents, teachers and students aged 10 to 14.'Cibermediadores' contra el 'bullying'Cuando los adultos advierten de los peligros de internet, a los adolescentes les suena a cháchara. Pero, ¿qué ocurre cuando son los propios críos los que piden a sus compañeros que vayan con cuidado? Que les hacen caso. Con esta premisa, el Instituto Parque Goya de Zaragoza y el Instituto Badia, de Badia del Vallés (Barcelona), han creado dos proyectos pioneros contra el ciberacoso. El primero tiene un equipo de ciberayudantes que rastrean los chats y los foros donde quedan sus compañeros y vigilan que no se produzca bullying. El segundo ha implantado la figura de cibermediadores, alumnos de 3º de la ESO (15 años) que son instruidos directamente por los Mossos d' Esquadra y que transmiten lo que saben a los de 1º de la ESO, que tienen 12 años. «Cualquier iniciativa que no tenga en cuenta a los alumnos fracasará», sostiene Antonio Martínez, director del Parque Goya.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Some students of a private school in Madrid created a group named WhatsApp "Cockfight". It was a kind of competition in getting consistent with the opposite. Winner who was more humiliated other. The angels promoters of the idea were just 10 years. Cyberbullying experts agree that harassment in social networks no longer star in only teenagers but children Elementary tender. It's not uncommon for kids should be playing in the park catches caught engaged in recording the naked fellow and spread the images on social networks, this new virtual playground where everything happens. According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), the average age at which kids start surfing the internet is "under 10 years". A survey by the Interior Ministry added that 19% of children under 11 years have created a profile on a social network, where the minimum age for access is 14 years. What the hell are these kids, at his age, hanging from YouTube or Instagram? "The only social network that asks the DNI is Tuenti users. We had a meeting with the leaders of Facebook also asked for the ID and told them that meant a complication, "he explained yesterday the director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, Mar Spain, during a conference organized by the Ministry of Education on the basis of the announced National School Coexistence Plan, which will be presented in the coming days and will be full of action against violence in the classroom and in cyberspace settled. Facebook's refusal to establish controls reveals the extent to which children are vulnerable. Unprotected delve into a world of new rules and often unknown to them and their parents and teachers both. "Children often do so without being aware that they are committing a crime," explains the chief inspector Esther Aren , provincial delegate for Citizen Participation of the National Police. His team visits schools in Madrid talking about cyberbullying, sexting, grooming ... A few months ago, fell to 10 years the age of the recipients of the talks. "We told them what an insult or humiliation and some tell us: 'Is this what I do. " Little is complaint. While public schools activate the administrative protocol against harassment, most private schools and concerted struggle to denounce. We found out by parents or children ", says Aren, who recalls the case of a 11 year olds who hiked with the class. One taped naked to another and mocked the size of their genitals. Tutor students called the police directly. What it is the agents advised him to take the mobile-the body of crime- and go directly to the station. From the days of yesterday -in which the Minister of Education, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, declared a policy of "zero tolerance for harassment" - they left several things clear. The first is that the Government's intention is that the National Police and Civil Guard go to schools to talk about bullying, in line with what they already do police officers, but more regular and systematic way, as They said sources with the Ministry of Education. This measure, added the same sources, would be contained in the National Plan for School Coexistence, together with the creation of a telephone to which children and adolescents can call to report cases of bullying. On the other hand, the Ministry signed an agreement with the Spanish Data Protection Agency to educate students in a responsible use of social networks. They will begin to be distributed, from next day 20, eight units of flashcards aimed at parents, teachers and students between 10 and 14 years.
'Cibermediadores' against 'bullying' When adults warn of the dangers of the Internet, the adolescent chatter sounds them. But what happens when the kids are calling themselves his companions to go carefully? They are doing to them. With this premise, the Parque Goya Zaragoza Institute and the Institute Badia, Badia del Vallés (Barcelona), have created two pioneering projects against cyberbullying. The first has a team of ciberayudantes that track chats and forums where peers and monitor are not produced bullying. The second figure has implemented cibermediadores, students of 3rd of ESO (15) which are directly instructed by the Mossos d'Esquadra and transmit what they know to the 1st of ESO, who have 12 years. "Any initiative that does not take into account students fail," says Antonio Martinez, director of the Goya Park.

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Some students in a Private School in Madrid created a group called the "WhatsApp gallos» Fight. It was a sort of Contest to mess with the opposite. Who was the other Winner more humiliated. All the promoters of the idea had just 10 years.Experts agree that the Cyber harassment in social networks are not just teenagers, but the primary Children of tender. It is not uncommon that Kids should be playing catch in the Park dedicated to record and disseminate the naked female images for Social Networks, this new virtual playground where everything happens.According to the National Statistics Institute (INE), the average age at which children begin to Surf the internet is below 10 years. A Survey conducted by the Ministry of the Interior added that 19 per cent of children under 11 years has created a Profile on a social network where the minimum age of access is 14 years. What the hell do these Kids Your Age,On YouTube and Instagram? 'The only social network that requires the DNI to its users is Tuenti. We had a meeting with those responsible for Facebook to also ask the DNI and told us that it was a complicación» explained yesterday, the Director of the Spanish Data Protection Agency, sea, SpainDuring a conference organized by the Ministry of Education, which laid the Foundation of the announced National Plan of school life, which will be presented in the next few days and will be full of measures against Violence in the classroom and in Cyberspace. The negative controls to establish more Facebook shows how children are vulnerable.Go without Protection in a World of New Rules and, often, Unknown both to them and to their parents and profesores.« children often do so without being aware that they are committing a crime, expounds the Chief Inspector arén Esther, provincial Delegate of Citizen Participation of the National Police.His team visits Schools in the Community of Madrid talking about cyberbullying, sexting, grooming... A few months ago, fell to 10 years the Age of the recipients of the charlas.« tell them what an insult or humiliation and Some say to us: 'This is what I do. Little is reported.While the public Centres Activate administrative Protocol against harassment, the majority of Private Schools and private costs Report. We found out by the parents or children, arén indicates that recalls the case of Children 11 years old and went off with the class. One recorded another naked and mocked the size of their genitalia.The tutor of Students called the police directly. It is advised to take the mobile agents - The Body of the Crime - and go directly to the station. The Days of Yesterday, in which the Minister of Education, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, declared a policy of zero tolerance to harassment - clear out several things.The first is that the intention of the Government was that the National Police and the Civil Guard go to schools to talk about bullying, in line with what the police officers, but more regularly and systematically, as sources from the Ministry of Education. This, added to the same sources,Would be reflected in the National Plan of school life, together with the creation of a telephone to which children and Adolescents can call to report bullying. On the other hand, the Ministry signed an agreement with the Spanish Data Protection Agency to educate Students in a responsible use of Social Networks. Start by passing out,From the next day 20, eight units of Teaching Cards for Parents, teachers and students between 10 and 14 years old. Cibermediadores
'' against 'bullying'

when adults Warn of the dangers of the internet, teenagers like to talk. But what happens when the kids who Ask their colleagues to take care? That make them.With this premise, the Goya in Zaragoza Park Institute and the Institute of Badia, Badia del Valles (Barcelona), have created two pioneering projects against cyberbullying. The first has a team of ciberayudantes that track the chats and forums where their peers are monitored and that there is no bullying. The Second introduced the figure of cibermediadores,Students of 3rd year of eso (15 years) are trained directly by the Mossos d'esquadra and convey what you know to the 1st of eso, which is 12 years. 'any initiative that does not take into account students fracasará», says Antonio Martinez, Director of Parque Goya.
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