Since you all are having the online internet, in order to utilize the maximal effectiveness of communication among affiliates during office working hours, I am requesting for your co-operation to take an immediate action to the guidelines listed below.
1) Check your incoming emails first thing in the morning when you arrive at the office and all the time. And take prompt action to respond in case that email is urgent and requires immediate feedback.
2) Turn on your SKYPE first thing in the morning when you arrive at the office and all the time for local and overseas communication purposes whenever needed.
In case you don’t have SKYPE on your PC, please install it NOW. You may ask Tae to assist you in doing so. Once you have your ID, please disseminate it to everyone via email. I want to see this getting done by Friday, June 3, 2016.
May I remind you that it is your responsibility to concertedly adhere to the above guidelines. Thank you for your attention.
Best regards,