who are engaged in the distribution of capital and in accountancy, who do the purchasing of goods in the colonies or from the factory who put forth so many articles in the Press on the moden production of so much that is noble and horrible, who record as on a chart the high-temperature curve of a humanity in labour, in pcrpetual labour, at a crisis sometimes in delirium All human material passcs through their hands. In the cnd their observation must lead them to some conclusion. Thesc people have thoir eyes fixed on the display off goods in the great shops that man has made for himself. The modern age is spread beforc them, sparkling and radiant on the far side of the barrier In their own homes, where they live in a precarious case, since their remuneration bears no real relation to the quality of their work, they find their unclcanly old snail shell, and they cannot even think of having a family If they do so there will begin the slow martyrdom that we know. These people, too claim their rights to a machine for living in which shall be in all simplicity a human thing