Dear Students,
Now it is your turn to start research on your debate topic! As the PRO you will propose a Proposition to the class (check the Debate Manual for the Proposition of your topic). As the CON you will argue against the Proposition. Both teams need to understand the topic by heart, so find out all you can. Within the next 5 days (Monday, November 10, 2014)you have to submit your preliminary debate script! The script need to include the following:
Research Summary (see below for more details)
Proposition & Position Statement (PRO or CON)
A minimum of 5 arguments that counter your (PRO or CON) position statement
A response to each of the rebuttal arguments from 3.
Each team needs to have a minimum of 5 Sources for your research
A list of all your team members and their roles and responsibilities for the research and debate. Check the Debate Manual for the 4 debate roles.
Research Summary:
Evolution/History: How has your topic evolved over time? What is its history? Etc.
Environment: Is there any effect on the environment? How did your topic affected the environment? Etc.
Society (including business and individuals): How did your topic affected the society? How did society changed because of it? How did society reacted? Etc.
Business: Any affect on businesses? How did you topic changed business? Is your topic making money or costing money? Etc.
Individual: How did your topic affect the single person? How did it changed his/her life? Etc.
The questions above are only to help you. Please include anything that you like and think is important!
Then 2 day (Monday, November 17, 2014) before your debate submit,
Your final version of the debate script and
The presentation slides of your position statement presentation
Submit your work by replying to this email!
Before you submit anything check grammar and format of your document! Only then send me a PDF file.
Use the following format:
Font: Times New Roman 12pts
Line spacing: 1.5pts.
Paper margins: 1 inch all around
No more than 5 pages. I want quality not quantity!!!
Do not copy & paste! Use your own words I do not grade your spelling or grammar!
If you have any questions send me an email or ask me after next class.
Work Hard,
Ronald Vatananan-Thesenvitz