Hi my dear
I really appreciate you for creating time to write me a mail and also for reading up all about me in my profile.Now i think i should enlighten you a little more about me and my interest.Am a drilling engineer i deal on oil and gas drilling,corrosion control and laying of gas and oil pipelines. I'm so glad that the direction of this thought came my way.All movement in life is taken with destination clarification in mind and it upholds determination and seriousness to reach there,is quiet obvious that I'm determine to take this journey of faith and it's very important that the desired destination should be made known to you so that you can understand my interest and where I'm heading.
The main purpose why am making out time to write this words from my heart is to see if i can find or meet a woman with virtues who will understand and share with me the same feelings.I'm seriously in search of someone with an open minded heart who will really need a sincere man to spend the rest of her life with and who is ready to let go the ugly experiences of the past and believe that there are better things ahead,and also ready to unite with me to build a strong and everlasting home of peace and joy. wishing you well from the heart that cares