Text 2
In the time of King Ram Khamhaeng this land of Sukhothai is thriving.
In the water there is fish and in the fields there is rice. The lord
of the realm does not levy toll on his subjects for travelling on the98 The Ram Khamhaeng Inscription
roads they lead their cattle to trade or ride their horses to sell.
Who wants to trade in elephants can do so, who wants to trade in
horses can do so, who wants to trade in gold or silver can do so.
When free men or a person of rank dies, his property, his elephants,
wives, children, granary, rice, slaves and plantations of
areca and betel is entirely left to his son. When commoners or
persons of rank differ and disagree, the case will be examined as to
its truth and will be settled in a just manner for them. He does not
connive with thieves or favourconcealers [of stolen goods]. Seeing
someone’s rice, he does not covet it, seeing somebody’s wealth he
does not get angry. It anyone riding an elephant comes to see him
to put his country under his protection he helps him, treats him
generously, and takes care of him. Those who have no elephants,
no horses, no young men or women, no silver or gold, will be
given some and be helped until they can establish an estate. When
he captures enemy warriors, he does not kill them or beat them. In
the opening of the gate over there he has hung a bell. If anybody in
the country has a grievance which sickens his belly and gripes his
heart which he wants his ruler and lord to know, it’s easy, he goes
and strikes the bell which the king has hung there.
King Ram Khamhaeng, the ruler of the kingdom hears the call,
he comesand questions the person, examines the case and decides it
justly for him, so the people of Sukhothai praise him. They plant
areca groves and betel groves all over the country. Coconut plantations
are manifold in this country, and jackfruit plantations are manyfold
in this country. Mango plantations are manifold in this country.
Tamarind plantationsare manifold in thiscountry. Anyone who
plants them gets them for himself. Inside this town of Sukhothai
there isa marvellousclear pond of water and as good to drink as the
Khong river in the dry season. Around this town of Sukhothai there
isatriplewall measuring three thousand fathoms.