Success Factor Reference Guide
HanesBrands Asia
The purpose of this guide is to assist managers in utilizing HBI Success Factors for enhancing recruitment, selection, coaching and performance management.
The following pages present ―key actions‖, or behavioral examples for demonstrating use of Success Factors. The key actions provide a multiple level, multi-functional description of the Success Factor. While it is obvious that we would like all of our employees to have high levels of ALL 9 Success Factors, such is not practical from an experience and coaching standpoint. Therefore managers will focus on the key behaviors that, if practiced, assist an incumbent in utilizing their functional / technical knowledge and skills to successfully accomplish their HBI objectives. The steps to follow to determine the key Success Factors for any job are listed below.
Success Factor Selection Steps
1. Review “Competencies aligned to “Success Factor” Framework page 2, and select 4-7 Success Factors (SF) that are most appropriate for the position.
2. Review ―Key Actions‖ listed for that Success Factor to determine if the Success Factor would be helpful to an incumbent at this level. If the answer is ―yes‖, then select 4 or 5 key actions for that SF and precede to the next SF and repeat above, until you have selected at least 4 Success Factors for the position. (pgs. 2-16).
3. Revise or update the job description to incorporate the 4-7 Success Factors for every position. List the Success Factor then bullet point the key action you identified for that SF.
4. Consult with a member of your HR team or your Targeted Selection Coach to assist you when you would like to develop an Interview Guide for recruiting. The key actions will be put into a question format for your interview, and assist you in determining if someone has had experience using the required key actions in past experiences.
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I. Passion for Achieving Results
Engagement Readiness Key Actions
Commits to work—Expresses sense of loyalty and attachment to the organization; exhibits a sense of responsibility to current role in the organization; communicates intent to stay in the organization for an extended period of time.
Cooperates—Works collaboratively with others to establish and maintain positive work relationships; acknowledges others’ contributions; collaborates to solve problems and generate ideas.
Retains focus—Demonstrates resilience and flexibility in the face of obstacles; effectively channels emotions to manage challenges and stress; handles disappointment without losing effectiveness.
Welcomes new experiences—Seeks new learning opportunities; pursues intellectual challenges; enjoys changes in one’s work responsibilities, processes, or environment.
Drives toward success — Posses an energetic and assertive achievement orientation; seeks opportunities to solve work problems and accomplish challenging work goals.
Expresses self-confidence — Approaches work challenges with a ―can do‖ mind-set; considers oneself as capable as others; assumes that hard work will lead to success.
Continuous Learning Key Actions
Targets learning needs – Seeks and uses feedback and other sources of information to identify appropriate areas for learning.
Seeks learning activities – Identifies and participates in appropriate learning activities (e.g., courses, reading, self-study, coaching, and experiential learning) that help fulfill learning needs.
Maximizes learning – Actively participates in learning activities in a way the makes the most of the learning experience (e.g., takes notes, asks questions, critically analyzes information, keeps on-the-job application in mind, and does required tasks).
Applies knowledge or skill – Puts new knowledge, understanding, or skill to practical use on the job; furthers learning through trial and error.
Takes risks in learning – Puts self in unfamiliar or uncomfortable situation in order to learn; asks question at the risk of appearing foolish; takes on challenging or unfamiliar assignments.
Leadership Disposition Key Actions
Engages people—Attends to the needs and feelings of others to develop effective working relationships with direct reports and others; relates easily to people; inspires and works well with others.
Drives toward success— Posses an energetic and tenacious achievement orientation; proactively seeks business opportunities; strives to gain competitive advantage; takes action for a recognized benefit despite uncertain outcomes.
Sustains positive outlook — Approaches challenges with visible assuredness; remains realistically optimistic when pursuing work objectives.
Shows discipline —Takes a structured approach to managing self and others; makes well informed decisions related to strategy and tactics; maintains high work and ethical standards.
Inspires confidence — Exhibits leadership qualities that elicit the trust of subordinates.
Learning agility — Rapidly learns and applies new job-related information; demonstrates a continuous learning orientation.
Executive Disposition Key Actions
Exudes confidence - Exhibits a presence that demonstrates credibility, commands attention and respect, and instills confidence in one's actions and outcomes.
Advocates for the organization - Champions organizational decisions and values when interacting with peers, senior management, and stakeholders; balances stakeholder interests with organizational goals.
Manages stress - Remains calm, controlled, and productive when confronted by work-related stress or opposition from others; does not overreact or become defensive.
Adjusts smoothly - Maintains effectiveness in varying situations and with diverse roles, responsibilities, work environments, and people.
Courage Key Actions
Takes a stand - Challenges popular values, opinions, and decisions to ensure that actions taken are in the organization's best interests; diplomatically says what needs to be said even in the face of pressure or conflict; offers direct and candid feedback.
Initiates bold action -Takes critical action to achieve breakthrough results despite the uncertainty of outcomes; confronts difficult problems early.
Takes personal accountability - Accepts personal risks and / or consequences of failure and persists even in the face of opposition or fear.
Passion for Results Key Actions
Creates performance tension - Identifies gaps between current reality and expected business results; sets challenging goals and high performance standards for self and others; initiates action and moves others toward envisioned outcomes.
Persists to completion - Corrals energy day-to-day to maintain momentum and a sense of urgency toward desired results; continually focuses others on performance gaps; works relentlessly to overcome obstacles; is dissatisfied until results have been achieved.
Initiating Action Key Actions
Responds quickly – Takes immediate action when confronted with a problem or when made aware of a situation.
Takes independent action – Implements new ideas or potential solutions without prompting; does not wait for others to take action or to request action.
Goes above and beyond – Takes action that goes beyond job requirements in order to achieve objectives.
II. Builds Trust
Building Trust Key Actions
Operates with integrity – Demonstrate honesty; keeps commitments; behaves in a consistent manner.
Discloses own positions – Shares thoughts, feeling, and rationale so that others understand personal positions.
Remains open to ideas – Listen to others and objectively considers others’ ideas and opinions, even when they conflict with one’s own.
Supports others – Treats people with dignity, respect, and fairness; gives proper credit to others; stands up for deserving others and their ideas even in the face of resistance or challenge.
III. Integrity
Integrity Key Actions
Demonstrates honesty – Deals with people in an honest and forthright manner; represents information and data accurately and completely.
Keeps commitments – Performs actions as promised; does not share confidential information.
Behaves consistently – Ensures that words and actions are consistent; behave consistently across situations.
Valuing Diversity Key Actions
Leverage diversity – Seeks out and uses ideas, opinions, and insights from diverse and various sources and individuals; maximizes effectiveness by using individuals’ particular talents and abilities on tasks or assignments.
Seeks understanding - Establishes relationships with and learns more about people of other cultures and backgrounds (e.g., special issues, social norms, decision-making approaches, and preferences).
Champions diversity – Advocates the value of diversity to others; takes actions to increase diversity in the workplace (e.g., by recruiting and developing people from varied backgrounds and cultures); confronts racist, sexist, or inappropriate behavior by others; challenge exclusionary organizational practices.
Takes actions that respect diversity – Examines own biases and behaviors to avoid stereotypical actions or responses; plans and takes actions that consider the diversity of those involved or affected.
IV. Leadership & Management
Coaching Key Actions
Clarifies the current situation – Clarifies expected behaviors, knowledge, and level of proficiency by seeking and giving information and checking for understanding.
Explain and demonstrates – Provides instruction, positive models, and opportunities for observation in order to help others develop skills, encourages question to ensure understanding.
Provides feedback and reinforcement – Gives timely, appropriate feedback on performance; reinforces efforts and progress.
Uses Key principles – Establishes good interpersonal relationships by helping people feel valued, appreci