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English) 1:
All manipulations of oocytes and embryos should be performed using apulled Pasteur pipette, glass capillary or a displacement pipette. It is impor-tant to use a pipette with the appropriate size tip. For example, once thecumulus is removed (day 1 to 3), a bore of around 175–200mM is required.Using the appropriate size tip minimizes the volumes of culture mediummoved with each embryo, which typically should be less than a microliter.Such volume manipulation is a pre-requisite for successful culture.Around 4PMon the day of oocyte retrieval, label 60mm Falcon Pri-maria dishes with the patient’s name. Using a single-wrapped tip, first rinsethe tip, then place 625ml drops of G1 into the plate. Four drops should beat the 3, 6, 9, and 12 o0clock positions (for embryo culture), the fifth andsixth drops should be in the middle of the dish (wash drops). Immediatelycover drops with 9mL of tested oil (such as Ovoil, Vitrolife). Prepare nomore than 2 plates at one time. Using a new tip for each drop, first rinse thetip and then add a further 25ml of medium to each original drop. Placethe dish in the incubator at 5% O2 and 6% CO2. Gently remove the lidof the dish and set at an angle on the side of the plate. Dishes must gas inthe incubator for a minimum of four hours (this is the minimal measuredtime for the media to reach correct pH under oil). For each patient, set upa wash dish at the same time as the culture dishes. Place 1mL of medium G1into the center of an organ well dish, place 2mL of medium into the outerwell, and then place the dish in the incubator. If working outside an isolette,use a MOPS or HEPES buffered medium with amino acids. This should notbe placed in a CO2incubator, but rather warmed on a heated stage.Following removal of the cumulus cells, embryos are transferred to theorgan well dish and washed in the center well drop of medium in the culturedish. Washing involves picking up the embryo 2–3 times and moving itaround within the well. Embryos should then be washed in the two centerdrops in the culture dish and up to 5 embryos placed in each drop of G1.This will result in no more than 20 embryos per dish. Return the dish tothe incubator immediately. It is advisable to culture embryos in groups ofat least 2. Therefore for example, for a patient with 6 embryos, it is bestto culture in 2 groups of 3 and not 4 and 2 or 5 and 1. On day 3, embryoscan be transferred to the uterus in a hyaluronan enriched medium (221).Day 3 Embryos to the Blastocyst Stage
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